Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Camera-hogs On Parade

Too fuzzy-headed to write anything even remotely coherent today, so instead, enjoy this photographic evidence of the perils of letting Cap'n Shack-Fu and The Lovable PigPen get ahold of your camera, right Cap'n Cluck?

Think this shot really captures the Inner PigPen, don't you?

I see this picture, and all I can think is "Beaky Buzzard."

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful . . ."

Scary Shack

For some reason I picture him making "zoom zoom" noises while doing this

"Your kung-fu is no match for my pin-fu!"

Brace for impact!

Words fail me.

Air PigPen.

Shack-Fu's not the only one who can fight fire

No, I'm not Killroy, why do you ask?

"Look deep into my eyes . . ."

"Play? PLAY!!!!!"

Can't quite tell if that's joy or fear on his face . . .



Anonymous said...

My poor camera has never been abuised so much!

Have a Cluckity Cluck Cluck Day!