Monday, April 17, 2006

Minding My Ps and Queues

Haven't done this for a bit: here's a brief run-down of movies I just added to my queue.

X3: I have greatly mixed feelings about the upcoming X-men movie (where's Nightcrawler, dagnabit?!?!), but you know I have to see it regardless.

IFC’s Greg the Bunny : Movie parodies featuring the cast of the late, lamented Fox puppet sitcom.

MI:III: I thought the first Mission Impossible film was good for what it was; I've only seen parts of MI:II, and wasn't impressed; I'm hopping that the selection of J.J. Abrams, he of Lost and Alias fame, will make this one watchable.

Ant Bully: From the man responsible for Jimmy Neutron comes another computer animated film, this one centering around a kid magically shrunk to the size of an insect and put on trial for crimes against the ant world.

Doogal: Animated film about a group of animals banding together to save the world from some mystical menace. To be honest, the trailer didn't do all that much for me, and the reviews haven't been all that kind either. Odds of me actually viewing this without some rave reviews from someone I trust are pretty low.

The Fast and the Furious : Tokyo Drift
: I have yet to watch any of this franchise, and the plotline for this one looks as hackneyed as they come, but man, do the driving scenes look cool.

Stick It: The writer of Bring It On turns to the world of gymnastics. BIO was a surprisingly funny movie; from what I've seen, I don't think this one quite lives up to its predecessor.

The Reaping: Hillary Swank plays a disillusioned missionary-turned-religious debunker who gets pulled into a strange phenomenon she can't explain.

The Triangle: Sci-Fi Channel mini-series about the Bermuda Triangle starring Sam Neil, Eric Stolz, and Bruce Davison.

Entourage Season 3: Season 2 of this HBO series hasn't come out on DVD yet, and they already have Season 3 available to be put in the queue. How weird is that?

Deadwood Season 3: Ummm . . . see above.

Red Dwarf Series 8: Rumor has it that the 8th series of this SF Britcom features the return of Rimmer, which is music to my ears; series 7 just wasn't the same without him.

Heirloom: Taiwanese horror film about a haunted house and family curse.

The Scorned: Comedy gold here, people; a horror movie written, produced, and starring former reality TV stars: Big Brother, Survivor, Real World, Road Rules, The Apprentice; you name a reality show, odds are pretty good at least one member is represented here somewhere. If nothing else, rent this so you can see Johnny Fairplay get whacked. This one should be in mailbox today or tomorrow.

Alchemy: Romantic comedy starring Tom Cavanaugh and Sarah Chalke. I don't even need to know what it's about; with those two in it, it's a must see for me.

Headspace: Horror movie about a psychic whose powers go out of control; lots of familiar faces here (William Atherton, Mark Margolis, Udo Kier), even if you don't recognize the names.

London: Drama starring Chris Evans as a man whose attempts to win back girlfriend Jessica Biel at her going away party get derailed by the mysterious drug-peddling Jason Statham.

Standing Still: Romantic comedy taking place during a pre-wedding party; placed in the queue due to the presence of the excellent Amy Adams, who really should have gotten the Supporting Actress Oscar for Junebug

Bushinsaba: South Korean horror film about a deadly spirit released through an ouija board.

Stephen Tobolowsky's Birthday Party: Documentary about Stephen Tobolowsky, an actor whose name probably means nothing to you, but whose face will almost definitely ring a bell. Seriously, check out his IMDB page; with 169 films and TV shows to his credit, odds are pretty good you've seen him before. To me, he will always be Ned Ryerson in Groundhog Day