Feeling a bit scattered today, so here's some of the random things slogging through my head right now.
- PigPen and I have recently been engaged in a Battle of the Trigger Songs, which began after I stupidly complained about having a song stuck in my head, and PigPen began to plot ways to make sure it stayed that way. "Hey, Cap'n, I got a joke for you, it's dang funny. Now, stop me if you've heard this one: I ain't saying she's a gold-digger . . .” Within a few days, however, PigPen got a song stuck in his head as well, thus giving me some ammo as well. "Hey, PigPen, want me to pick anything up for you when I head . . . Downtown! Where all the lights are bright! Downtown!"
- Gotten quite a few responses to my Call for Topics post. Some lined up well with things that were already percolating, some were new inspirations, and some made me think "Man, I wonder if I can get away with just dumping that into a random blog post . . ."
- Been thinking about changing the name of The Singles to something a little less limiting, since there's a growing number of non-single folks involved. First thought: Church Monkeys.
- For the last month or so I've been going to watch my roomies play softball on a team put together by Cap'n Bumper. The good Cap'n named the team Last Place, figuring it would wind up to be oddly ironic or highly prophetic. Right now, the irony is in the lead, as they've managed to take the #1 seed in the playoffs. Of course, in their first playoff game last night they played the worst I've ever seen them; I told Cap'n Bumper's wife that if they lost to the other team (which had a record of 0-8 to our 7-1), we were going to have to disavow any relationship to them. Luckily, after a horrendous first couple of innings, they pulled themselves together and wound up run-ruling the other team
- I've been rethinking a couple of blog monkey nicknames because they either feel unnatural and don't flow very well in my storytelling, or don't really fit the person all that well. Of course, I have come up with nothing at all, so it's kind of a moot point.
- On a semi-related note, I have dubbed PigPen with the alternate nickname "Slacker Magee." Why? Because the name popped into my head one day and I needed a target. Ol' Slacker Magee was slacking in the right place at the right time, and voila!
- I finally got a chance to see Baby Disaster, a.k.a. The Most Beautiful Baby Girl In All The Worldtm at church on Sunday. All I have to say is this: dang, does that girl have a lot of hair.
- I shall be revamping the Cast List in the very near future, abandoning the old format for a more narrative one, with possible photographic identifiers. All possible cast members may now consider themselves warned.
- Update in The Great Cola Debate: recently, we ran out of Dr. Pepper and Slacker Magee grabbed one of my Cokes to drink, punching large holes in his "Coke is the devil" stance. After all, a true die-hard would have driven to the closest convenience store and paid their exorbitant prices for the cola of choice rather than subject his or her taste buds to the evils of the Other Cola.
Advantage: Neurotic. - And finally, The Singles will be heading to the Texas State Fair this weekend, so you can soon expect a report back on the merits of the latest addition to Fried Fair Food: fried Coke Although with the combination of Coke and fried food, how can you go wrong?
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